Saturday, May 26, 2007

Make the Second Half of Your Life the Best Half

Dear Baby Boomers,

I have recently been going through a personal epiphany. I am guessing the theme of it will be very familiar to many of you. If it is, please join me on a journey of self-discovery and satisfaction.

I’m struggling to create meaning in my life. I’m now in the second half of my life, working in corporate America at a job that is not my passion, wanting to make a contribution to this world before I die but not knowing how to do it. I’m surrounded by the trappings of success but feel there is something big lacking in my life. I have an incredible partner with whom I have shared my life for almost twenty years now, and we both want more out of life. My passion is to help other people tell their stories and find their way and their own passion for living in this world. That’s a pretty big statement. How do I do it? How do I reach out, connect with people, like you, like me, who are searching for meaning in their lives? This blog, and my website at, are the beginning of living that dream. Please join me.

This morning I found myself posting this message on a community forum site for voluntary simplicity (the idea of living better with less). It sums up my feelings about my life today:

"I'll be honest, I'm coming to the idea of voluntary simplicity late in life. I don't know where and when I lost my hippie ideals and my dream of organic gardening and self-sufficiency. Somehow I got caught up in the corporate world and now I know I have to get out. I want to finish playing out the second half of my life with dignity and a sense of self worth. If this resonates with you, please join me in finding the way out to sanity. "

Sound familiar to you? If it does, stay tuned for ideas and inspiration on how to find your way back to a sane life.